...you only had to walk down/up-stairs from your room for school
...you wore pj's to class
...you sometimes had breakfast and/or lunch during class
...you went to the local library once a week and had your own library card to check out books
...your PE class consisted of chasing your younger sibling(s) around and/or barn chores
...you hardly ever had classes after lunch - you were done for the day by then! ;)
...you've ever been asked by store clerks: "No school today?"
...trips to the parts store with Dad were field trips
...you've ever been told by friends you live in a monastery
...you've never had to "take a note home to the parents"
...house chores were part of home ec class
...the signatures on your "diploma" all have the same last name as you
...all your school work was "homework"
...your yearbook doubles as your baby book
...a snow day means you got to go sledding!!! AFTER that morning's classes and chores were done
...you can count the days you got to "stay home" because you were sick on one hand (okay, maybe two)
...you never had a uniform to wear to school
...you only had a TV for educational videos, and those were limited (we were having too much fun outside!!)
...you got to sleep-in (if you're lucky haha)
...you always got out earlier than everyone else!!!!!! (thanks to those snow days, etc.)
...you didn't know how distasteful cafeteria food could be until you got to college
...you never did the traditional "school shopping" (you got your supplies later when they went on sale =)
...you never had a locker (until you used the gym in college)
...you were older than everyone else in your grade because you got to begin school at a later age (yippie!)
...when you got to high school you were able to choose the tougher ones first and leave the easy ones for last (despite the grade level)
...you and your sibling(s) had classes in the same room
...you were ever asked: "How do you socialize??" or "Do you have any friends??"
...you went to places on a school day to avoid crowds or long lines
...bullies at school got punished by your parents
...you have to clean your own science experiments up
...if you had something special you wanted to do you could work ahead on school work and take the day off
...most school weeks consisted of 6 days (another reason the school year was over earlier)
...you never had holidays off (especially if you were a little behind in your school work)
...you didn't only have friends your own age, but also your parent's age
...you've ever had class outside or in the car
...you could NEVER get away from those dreaded spelling words
...you've ever graded your own school-work
...you eat breakfast, lunch, and supper with your teacher and principal
...hearing the phone ring makes you happy 'cause you know you'll have some free-time while the teacher visits
I LOVED being homeschooled and I wouldn't trade the experience for anything!!! =D
(Photo curtesy of Lyn Lomasi, "Homeschool Materials on Bookshelf" found on Flickr.com, CC some rights reserved)