(I wrote this back in 2008...)
Peter Gregory spoke this year for Southern's In Tents meetings that were held in September of this year. He had a sermon every night, but Friday Vespers is the one I found the notes for. He made some interesting and striking statements that got me to thinking; I want to share one with you...
When I heard that I immediately started thinking about back home. Before we plant corn we have to make sure that the field is ready for planting. We have to cultivate it several times with different pieces of equipment, spread some fertilizer on the ground, and then go over the field again to get the fertilizer in the ground (not just on top where the rain can wash it away).
Once the ground is ready, we can finally plant the seed corn. But that's not the end of it. The corn plant doesn't pop up the next day. Rather, it takes lots of sunlight, rain, and mild temperatures for the seeds to germinate and start to grow underground (in the dark). The corn seed puts down roots deep into the ground so once it pops it's head out it will have something to protect it from the wind pulling it out of the ground.
If all of the above goes well and the roots are deep and the plant is healthy, the head will then pop out and the corn plant will start reaching for the sky. As it grows it continues to need food and water from the soil and sunshine spreading warmth over it's leaves and stalk.
Spiritual translation:
We are the corn plant. The seed of the Holy Spirit must be planted in order for us to grow, HOWEVER the ground (our hearts and minds) must be tilled and cultivated so that the seed will have a safe home to live.
Once the seed is planted, it needs water and food so that it can start to sprout and put down roots. Just like the corn seed, if we don't put down roots that go deep into our heart and minds we will be blown away by Satan's winds when we start to come out as Christians. The roots have to go deep, deep into Jesus.
Once we start to rise above ground, our lives must be fed by the Word of God (food) and the Holy Spirit (water) and we must bask in the Son to grow properly. As we grow we reach for the sky (Heaven) where we hope to someday be.
What I want you to take away from this agriculture lesson is that we need roots in our faith. Without roots the plant doesn't survive and neither can we. We must be deeply rooted in Christ Jesus our Lord.
So, as you grow in Jesus, remember the simple little corn seed.