Sunday, December 29, 2013

Always A Bridesmaid...

I have many wonderful memories and I've had many special times that will stick with me for the rest of my life.

This one...

That moment when boyfriend became fiancĂ©...

That moment when I became a bride-to-be...

That moment when I realized that we do have a future...

That dreams do come true...

That I am going to be able to wake up each morning, roll over, and see his face lying next to mine for the rest of our lives...

I can't stop smiling!

Never give up on God!

It might seem like He's not listening.

It might feel like He doesn't care.

But that is NEVER true!

He's always listening and He cares more about you and me than anyone ever has or ever can!

He is our Father and wants only the best things for each of us.

I can't thank Him enough for the blessings He has bestowed upon me and for my wonderful amazing fiancĂ© that He brought to me.

God is good all the time, and all the time God is good.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

God Is There

God Is There
by Karen Briggs
When I am scared,
God is there.
He will take away all my fears.
When I am lonely,
God is there.
He is my best friend.
When I am angry,
God is there.
He brings me peace.
Through thick and thin,
In good times and bad,
God is there.
In Him I can trust.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Mount Carmel

Mount Carmel
by Karen Briggs
When Israel wouldn’t listen,
God didn’t give up,
He sent a dry spell to make them say, “Yup?”
God kept Elijah the prophet alive,
He had something in store,
If they didn’t listen to this He would have to make war.
He called them all to Carmel,
Where the prophets of Baal failed,
Elijah asked and God sent His fire and the much-needed rain,
Israel said, “Yup?” and bailed.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Things That Make Me Smile...

Growing up my favorite movie was The Sound of Music.

Special Gramma and me time watching the story of the Von Trapps and their struggle to escape from Nazi Austria.

When I found out that they came to Vermont I was beyond excited! (I still have yet to check "visiting the Trapp family home" off my bucket list.)

There is one song in particular that everyone knows - even those who have never seen the film.

"My Favorite Things."

When Julie Andrews (one of my favorite actresses) begins to sing one can't help but smile.

"Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens..."

I decided to make a list of my favorite things...or things that make me smile :)

In no particular order:

Fresh cut hay.
There's nothing that smells as sweet!

Baby smiles, baby laughs & chuckles, tiny baby feet, baby...well, anything baby! They're soooo cute!!!

Puppies! (hmmm...there is a baby theme here)
I like cats (LoVe my Peaches) but, a dog...
They listen without passing judgement. They love unconditionally. They are always there, no matter what.

Dirt. Okay, before you start to wonder about my mental health let me explain. There is something about a freshly worked piece of land. That earthy scent is like no other.

Especially after many dreary days of nothing but clouds.

Thunderstorms. Lightning that flashes and makes designs across the sky. Thunder that crashes and makes me jump. Reminds me of God's mighty power.

I can just imagine God looking at the sky like a big canvas and picking the colors to splash on each day. Spectacular!

Elderly couples holding hands.
Is there anything more tender than watching an older husband and wife showing little bits of affection for each other? They've survived the hard times, enjoyed the good times, & are more in love now then ever.

Watching their birth is seeing one of God's miracles. Soon after they struggle to get up and eventually stand on wobbly legs. Before long they are tearing around, kicking up their heels and blatting at their new-found freedom.

The smell after a rain storm.
Like clean laundry, only better.

Ice cream & chocolate.
'Nuff said :)

Hymns in church.
Christmas carols.
Singing along with the country stations in the tractor.
Belting out oldies with the bro.
Life would be very dull without Mozart, Grandpa Jones, Chopin, the Beach Boys, Waylon Jennings, Bach, Elvis, Boots Randolph, or the Statler Brothers.

Adventures in Odyssey!
Yes, I am 27 years old and still a HUGE fan of AIO.
Good family values, character building stories, and exciting adventures.
Oh! Don't forget the laughs! :)

Walking down memory lane with parents, grandparents, and others is great fun.

~ ~ ~

These are just a few of my favorite things :)