Thursday, November 30, 2017

Baby's Seven-Week Update

My Baking Time:

7 Weeks.


What's New:

Distinct facial features. I have dark spots marking where my eyes and nose will be. My cute little ears and my mouth that won't be quiet for long are starting to form. I have 100,000 nerve cells growing every minute! Momma and Daddy say I'm going to be smart as a whip but I don't know what this whip thing is...

How Big Am I:

A blueberry

from Google

My stats:

0.31 inches from crown to rump and 0.018 ounces.


Momma is starting to have to wear more stretchy things as any pressure on her belly tends to be uncomfortable.

What is Happening On the Farm: 

Happy Thanksgiving! Momma and Daddy told everyone at dinner about me!

Momma and Gramma Briggs went to a baby shower this week. Momma says that baby Kendra will be my friend - I can't wait to meet her!

My friend's cat likes to cuddle as close as possible

Roasting soybeans

Bubba and Mittens

My aunt's adorable kitten

Love old country stores

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Baby's Six-Week Update

My Baking Time:

6 Weeks. I have tripled in size!


What's New:

Heart is beating average150 times a minute - twice the average adult heart rate! My brain hemispheres are forming and I've got brain waves.

How Big Am I:

A lentil.

from Google

My stats:

0.15 inches from crown to rump and 0.010 ounces.

What is Happening On the Farm: 

Momma and Daddy went to hear Postmodern Jukebox in Burlington this week - they really enjoyed the show!

Momma had a couple photo shoots this week. It was chilly but everyone braved it well.

Addison got some snow!

Uncle Peter switched from combining soybeans to corn this week.

visited my "nephew"

Enjoying Postmodern Jukebox!

Ready for Postmodern Jukebox!

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Baby's Five-Week Update

My Baking Time:

Medically: 5 weeks / Actual: 3-ish weeks.

My heart has started to beat! Although no one can hear it, it is there. 😉 😃


What's New:

I have 3 layers - outer ectoderm (nervous system, eyes, ears, inner ear and lots of connective tissue will form here); the endoderm or inner layer (internal organs like lungs, intestines, bladder will form here); and the middle mesoderm (heart, bones, muscles, kidneys, reproductive organs and circulatory system will form here).

Whew! That's a lot to keep track of...glad I don't have to worry about it.

My Creator is taking care of that. 😍

How Big Am I:

An apple seed or a nail head.

from Google

Momma is bloated, but she hasn't really gained anything.


Momma made our first appointment! We're going December 12 - she says that she and Daddy can't wait to see me.

Momma had to have the doctor figure out her migraine meds already because she can't take the one she was using while I'm on the inside.
She'd appreciate prayers that she won't have many in the months to come.


The bloating is making Momma's jeans tight.

When I let Momma sleep, I wake her up promptly at 5 a.m. for a bathroom visit.

Then I let her fall back asleep, for a little bit anyway.

Cravings? Momma says that she's always had times where she's liked something one week & not the next, so I have my work cut out for me. 😜

She's already having to pee a lot more too...she's so excited about that! 😝  She's also becoming best friends with antacids.

Momma says that there is a lot of information our there (as well as tons of misinformation) about her and I and what to expect and what to do to keep me healthy.
She's trusting that our Father Abba will keep us both safe and that whatever happens He has the whole picture, He knows the end of the book. We are in His arms and He's got this!

Momma has been having trouble (well, more than usual she says) with her brain...she forgets things extremely easily, so y'all might have to remind her once or twenty times.


He talks to me sometimes. 😍  I think he tries to make Momma laugh when he does because he squishes his face into her belly so "baby can hear him better." Momma laughingly says that we will never have dull moments (what does dull mean?) with Daddy around. Sounds like a good thing to me.

What is Happening On the Farm:

Momma took an embroidery class - so much fun learning a new hobby!

I went with everyone to a farm meeting - Momma says that she's going to like having a little buddy to go to meetings with her some day.

Uncle Peter finished combing beans and started combining corn. Momma says he can't harvest all the corn until we get soybeans roasted - she says roasting soybeans makes the whole farm smell delicious.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Baby's Four-Week Update

My Baking Time:

Medically 4 Weeks, technically 2-ish weeks - I'm an embryo!


What's New:

My neural tube has formed - this is where my brain, spinal cord and backbone will form - and I'm already hanging out in my amniotic sac, aka "home" for the next several months.

My placenta is also starting to form & reach out for momma's blood supply...until it's ready, I'm being taken care of by the yolk sac. (Isn't my Abba amazing?!?!?! 😃 )

I also have three "germ" layers - first is the endoderm that is where my lungs and most of my vital organs will come from.

Second layer is the mesoderm where my heart and skeleton will come from.

The last layer is the ectoderm and that is where my nervous system will come from.

How Big Am I:

According to momma's app I am the size of a poppy seed, about 0.05 inches long


Momma has picked a doctor's office for the two of us! She hasn't been in to see them yet let alone call them, but my momma likes to be prepared...she's been researching this a while 😉

Momma's Suspicious:

Poor momma, she's been feeling kinda yucky lately - she caught a cold this week. I've also started making her feel really really drained lately.

She was supposed to start her period this week, but she wasn't feeling "right"...

What is Happening On the Farm: 

Momma and Daddy went to the Vermont Farm Bureau annual meeting in Manchester, Vermont. They learned about how social media can be used to share their farming story (Momma already has a Facebook page). The dinner was super yummy and they made some new friends.

Uncle Peter has been combining more beans, he hopes to be done tomorrow. Then he says we have to get them roasted (whatever that means). He'll combine some corn next week.

I've got a lot to learn about farming!

Cow is excited to meet me!

Thursday, November 2, 2017

"Three-Week" Update

(From now on, weekly updates will be written from Baby's perspective, enjoy! 😎  )


I'm so excited to be here!

I cannot wait to meet you all!

I hope that you like my updates!

I can't type yet, so my momma is going to write as I dictate.

She says that she's doing a weekly blog post instead of monthly because she wants to to celebrate and remember everything about me. She told Daddy that she loved me even before she knew I was there.

My Baking Time:

3 Weeks according to the docs, but I don't like to stay inside the lines, I've really only technically been around for seven days, give or take.

Momma doesn't even know I'm here yet. But my Creator does. He picked me special for my momma & daddy and He "knit" me together. I'm all here! Nothing has formed yet, but He put all of the instructions in the box!

I'm called a zygote at this stage of life.

taken from

taken from

How Big Am I:

One of Momma's apps said that I am the size of a waterbear (aka Tardigrade)...apparently waterbears are teeny tiny wittle creatures that can survive extreme environments (like space! Daddy loves space stuff!) Seriously, look them up! They are fascinating! (Daddy's word, not mine, I'm too little for such a big vocab...)

from Google


I don't weigh enough to even make a ripple.


Momma is still wearing her regular clothes. I'll change that before too long tee-hee


Daddy is still sleeping like daddy - dead to the world. Momma is sleeping about as well as she ever has. I'l change that too someday.


I'm doing lots of somersaults, jumping, and swimming around; there's so much room in here!!!


Don't worry, I'll get Momma to eat some weird's every baby's goal!

What Happened On the Farm Last Week (as told by Baby):

Uncle Peter has been combining soybeans. Momma says that I will get to ride with him next year! I'm so excited to meet him!

This Week On the Farm:

It's been really cold, Momma says. I'm all cozy in her tummy so I don't know what cold is yet.

Momma's four-legged babies (aka calves) that have been born this week have thick coats because of the cold - she takes care of all of the calves and says that I will get to help her when I'm big enough!

I don't understand everything Momma tells me yet, but I'm excited to be a farm-kid!!!